Xinghao Dong(董星浩)
PhD Candidate | MSCS at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
The Artificial Intelligence for Modeling and Simulation Lab.
Applied Mathematics + Specialization in Computing,
University of California, Los Angeles. The creative principle resides in mathematics. - Albert Einstein
Research: My goal is to make foundational advancements in the theory, methods, and algorithms of generative AI and SciML. My current research focuses on (score-based) diffusion models with applications in complex dynamical systems that are multi-scale, multi-physics, and chaotic in nature. Additionally, my work extends to significant involvement and broad interests in data-driven modeling, computational fluid dynamics, and optimization.
Previously: I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Applied Mathematics and Computing from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), where I worked on proving the Morrey’s Conjecture by providing several numerical examples.
Sep 14, 2024 | I’ll be presenting at the APS DFD Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, UT, on my work, Learning Stochastic Closures via Conditional Diffusion Model and Neural Operator. This project was selected for DFD-Interact, which features only the most exciting submissions. I’ll be at Session C02: Interact: Machine Learning in Fluids from 10:50 AM - 12:50 PM on November 24. Stop by and say hi! |
Sep 06, 2024 | I have successfully passed my qualification examinations and advanced to candidacy. |